Noise Pollution – Insight for the Day – 21:05:2015

noiseThe impact of noise can be seen from the amount of complaints made by residents living in the vicinity of the major airports. Heathrow Airport in London has been subjected to its fair share of resident complaints over the years.

If we make reference to the dictionary, it gives us a definition which relates to why these residents are making such a big shout about noise:

  1. Electrical or acoustic activity that can disturb communication
  2. Incomprehensibility resulting from irrelevant information or meaningless facts or remarks.

In the corporate world, the impact of noise can explain why senior executives go away to remote venues to plan and strategize on the way forward for the organisation. They have understood that to make critical decisions, “irrelevant information or meaningless facts” cannot be tolerated or they will not survive in the “jungle world” of business.

In Luke 1 v 80, we see John being led into the wilderness where he dwelt until he was ready to appear publicly to Israel to carry out his pre-destined assignment.

And the spirit grew and became strong in spirit; and he lived in the desert until he appeared publicly to Israel.

Noise is a detriment to making quality and effective decisions that will impact our lives. Taking time out to eliminate noise should form part of our daily living to ensure that we make quality and effective decisions. The only sounds we want to hear during these times are the wise words of the Holy Spirit.

Shalom – Love Never Fails

©Insight for the Day 2015

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